Please fill out the form below and a member of the South Downs Leisure team will be in touch to discuss your enquiry.
Booking ContactOrganisation/Company*Name First name Last name Address Street Address Address Line 2 Town County Postcode TelephoneEmail* Reason for hire* Swimming Club/Association Event Filming/Photography Other Please tell us more about your activity:Booking Facility DetailsType of Booking* One off Booking Block Booking Booking RequirementsDay, time and lanes required*Date RequiredTimes from and toHow many lanes required (6 lanes max - total capacity per lane is 14)Dates and Times (please use a separate line for each date)*DatesTimes from and toHow many lanes required (6 lanes max - total capacity per lane is 14) Add RemovePlease tick the documents you are attaching to this form Public Liability Insurance Qualifications Risk Assessment Please upload any documents in conjuction with this booking Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 64 MB. Agreement I confirm that I have read and understood the “Conditions of Hire”. I confirm that I have informed the officers/committee/members of the organisation I represent, as appropriate of these “Conditions of Hire’ I confirm, on behalf of myself and the organisation I represent, our agreement to these ‘Conditions of Hire’. I attach to this signed copy of the ‘Booking Form’ and where required a copy of the current insurance policy/certificate relating to the ‘insurance’ in paragraph 6 of the Conditions. I hereby apply for use of the facilities stated in accordance with the ‘Conditions of Hire’ and scale of charges applicable on the date of hire. I undertake to ensure the charges are paid, on demand, and the ‘Conditions of Hire’ a copy of which I have read and retained, are properly observed. For one off club bookings at Sea Lanes Swimming Centre, payment is required at time of booking. I confirm that I am over 18 years of age. Information collected from you will be added to the South Downs Leisure membership and information databases. We may use this for administrative purposes in providing the services and for communication with you. In compliance with the GDPR and the DPA, all information will be treaded confidentially and will not be shared with any other organization without your explicit and informed consent. For more detailed information, please refer to South Downs Leisure’s full Privacy Statement. Consent* I agree to the Conditions of HireYour Name* First Surname