With joint objectives Sea Lanes and Brighton Surf Life Saving Club want to ensure that all swimmers gain the skill, confidence, and technique to both safely and enjoyably use the sea.

Sea Lanes alongside their beach lockers and showers will provide storage to house Brighton Surf Life Saving Club’s essential equipment.

Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club delivers weekly training sessions throughout the year for members aged 8 years and upwards. Members are coached in fitness, first aid and lifeguard rescue technique, all the time acquiring the knowledge and discipline to perform informed, safe rescues appropriate to the conditions they might face.

David Samuel, Chair of Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club said:

Sea Lanes allocating a provision for the Beach Lockers for us has been a crucial life-saving resource.”

“The growth of Surf Life Saving and Surf Lifesaving Sport is a representation of the interest and growth in all sea-based water sports but particularly in Open-water Swimming. This large influx of new open-water enthusiasts has helped swell the ranks of Surf Lifesaving Clubs around the UK with membership figures tripling in number since 2017. Conversely, this massive increase in open water participation has also meant a lot more people need to be rescued by lifeguards.

“Like Open water swimming, our lifesaving community is growing quickly, consequently there is a greater demand for training kit and crucially for kit storage. The club has 30plus nipper rescue boards, 30plus Junior rescue boards, adult rescue boards and SLS Sport race boards. At 3m long this fundamental kit requires a large amount of storage and needs to be on the beach.

Joe McNulty, Director at Sea Lanes said:

Our core objective is to help swimmers safely access the sea, we are really pleased to be able to support Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club and help educate and promote the city’s young lifeguard’s development.

Businesses that are located on Sea Lanes include: South Downs Leisure, SwimTrek, Brighton Surf Life Saving Club, The Endurance Project, Sea Gym Brighton, Paddle People, Reach Physiotherapy, The Little Beach Clinic, Luna Wave Yoga, Photomatic, Powerwatts, Barre Set, Bison Beer, Fika, Bloomsbury on the beach, Policy Impact Partners, Moore Law, and Wood x Coal.

For more information www.sealanesbrighton.co.uk